Bessie Gordy Grant

Apply for the $750 Bessie Gordy Grant now!
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The Bessie Gordy Grant is a special grant offered by our nonprofit organization in memory of a remarkable woman who dedicated her life to serving others. Bessie Gordy was a gifted seamstress and an excellent cook who believed in the power of learning a skill or trade to inspire self-sufficiency. Her legacy of putting others' needs before her own inspires us to help others achieve their dreams, particularly single parents who are pursuing vocational or trade school education.

The purpose of the Bessie Gordy Grant is to provide financial support to a deserving single parent who desires to attend an accredited vocational/technical school or trade school. Applicants must live in the state of Pennsylvania or in the Metropolitan District of Columbia (DMV) area and meet the following definition of a "single parent": they must be single (never married, widowed, divorced, legally separated) or married but living apart; they must be a custodial parent or guardian with physical custody (50% or more) of at least one dependent child, who is 18 or younger, older than 18 and still in high school, or a severely disabled adult living with a dependent; and they must be the only adult in the home with the child(ren), living with parents or relative(s), or living with a roommate who is not a partner, significant other, or co-parent.
To be eligible for the Bessie Gordy Grant, applicants must be legal residents of the United States, have earned a high school diploma or General Education Diploma (GED), and have not previously earned an associate or bachelor's degree. The grant recipient will receive financial support to pursue their vocational or trade school education, enabling them to gain valuable skills and knowledge that will empower them to achieve self-sufficiency and create a better life for themselves and their families.

The Bessie Gordy Grant is a testament to our commitment to empowering individuals, families, and communities through education and support. We honor the memory of Bessie Gordy by continuing her legacy of service to others and providing deserving single parents with the resources they need to pursue their dreams and achieve their full potential.

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